Date(s): October 2 – November 10, 2022
All Day
3791 Highway 468 West
Pearl, MS 39208
Basic Refresher Course - Class 2022
The Basic Refresher course offered at MLEOTA covers 200 hours of mandated curriculum by BLEOST for Mississippi. Training included in the course are street gangs of Mississippi, high-risk traffic stops, and felony take-down traffic stops in low light/nighttime conditions.
The deadline for Basic Refresher applications for the 2022 class is Monday, September 26, 2022. NO applicants will be accepted after the deadline, so that an accurate headcount can be determined for the class. Due to the training regimen, this is a 6-week course, wherein some night classes are scheduled in the evening hours.
As required by BLEOST, a mandatory Pre-Entrance PT test is given to each officer prior to admission into training. The Pre-Entrance PT test will be conducted on Sunday, October 2, 2022, at 4:00 P.M. in the gym at MLEOTA. Officers failing the Pre-Entrance PT test may re-test anytime at MLEOTA prior to the first class.
A wellness program is instituted into the MLEOTA program for Basic Refresher classes. This program is a very menial program consisting of running/walking, stretching and cardio exercises to help prevent muscle strains and pulls. The wellness program is important due to the officer safety-mechanics of arrest-restraint and control portion of the training to help prevent injury to officers during training.
Basic Refresher students must check in on Sunday, October 2, 2022, by 2:00 P.M. Supper meal on Sunday evenings will be “on your own” since the cafeteria will not be operating on Sunday evenings.
Basic Refresher Training Packet.pdf
Mail Basic Refresher Training packet to:
Attn: Greg Eklund
3791 Highway 468 West
Pearl, MS 39208
Basic Refresher Cost: $1,500.00 - per student
Contact: Greg Eklund
Phone: (601) 933-2172