The Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics (MBN) was created by the legislature in 1971 with the duty of being a statewide narcotics law enforcement agency. MBN has the responsibility of providing the citizens of Mississippi a front-line defense against the abuse, misuse, sale, and trafficking of controlled substances.
The MBN provides investigative and enforcement services to local, county, and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the state. The MBN also conducts general and special investigations throughout the state and provides specialized training to law enforcement throughout Mississippi and surrounding states.
One of the emerging problems in Mississippi is Prescription Opioid Addiction. The misuse and abuse of medicines such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, and other prescription pain killers is presenting a new challenge for Mississippi and is greatly affecting public health and safety. The far-reaching impacts from this problem affect people of every age we encourage the citizens of this state to dispose of any unused prescription pain killers at Drop Boxes which are available in every Highway Patrol station in the state. In order to accomplish our mission, it is extremely important to have the support of our citizenry. We welcome any information regarding possible drug trafficking or illegal drug sales so the MBN can appropriately direct our assets to make Mississippi a safer place to raise our families.
For MBN Press Inquiries:
Bailey Martin - 601-987-1218
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