Dignitary Protection Course

Location:   MLEOTA  (Range)

                  3791 Highway 468 W

                  Pearl, MS  39208

Dates:  February 22-25, 2022

Report Time:  Tuesday, February 22nd at 0700 hrs. (MLEOTA Range Classroom)

Duration:  Four days


The focus of the course will be placed on developing strong fundamentals in order to employ a dignitary protection team that comprises a three-car motorcade plus advance team operating in a permissive environment.


Lead Instructor: Alan Brosnan – President TEES

Alan attended his first Dignitary Protection Course in 1982 while he was a serving member of the New Zealand Army’s Special Air Service (SAS). Since then, Alan has conducted dignitary protection operations in over 30 permissive and semi permissive countries globally. Additionally, he continues to train law enforcement and military personally in skills pertaining to this subject.

Course Objectives:

Organization of a close protection team

Selection of a close protection officer

Concealed carry skills (range practice)

Foot formations / working a rope line / crowd control

Attacks on the principal (verbal, physical, lethal)

Operational case studies

Venue advance surveys

Route surveys

Vehicle arrival and departure procedures

Vehicle motorcade procedures

Operation orders

Introduction to IED’s

Final training exercise



Classroom with power point projector / white board – four days

Range – 1000-1500 hrs.

Numerous facilities in town for FTX 



Paper targets and range box

Four x SUV’s or sedans for arrival/departure, motorcade drills and FTX (can be students vehicles)

Radio per student plus one for instructor (for FTX)


Student Equipment:

Civilian clothing for daily attire (jeans / t shirt, etc)

Old jacket to conceal handgun (for range work)

Ear / eye protection

Handgun with 60 rounds

Smart casual dress for FTX (slacks /jacket / collared shirt – no tie)


Students: (14) Fourteen maximum


Cost: $800.00 paid to T.E.E.S. - Cost includes – tuition, instructor’s travel, rental car, hotel, and per diem.

Cost: $240.00 paid to MLEOTA for rooms and meals during the course.

Pay $800.00 to the order of:  Tactical Energetic Entry Systems, LLC

Pay $240.00 to the order of:  MLEOTA

Must pay separate to each organization.

Total Cost per student:  $1,040.00


Contact for attending course:

CPT Dan Rawlinson

Email:  DRawlinson@dps.ms.gov

Phone:  601-933-2161


LTC Thomas E. Tuggle, II

Email:  TTuggle@dps.ms.gov

Phone:  601-933-2130