Newly Elected Sheriffs Course
December 3rd – 14th, 2023
3791 Hwy 468 W
Pearl, MS 39208
MLEOTA will host a two-week training course for newly elected sheriffs in Mississippi. This course will include Mississippi state statutes and amendments, constitutional law, juvenile law, use of force, and legal aspects of responding and reporting of domestic violence calls. Blocks of instruction include jail administration, liability, and dealing with the media.
Instructors will conduct firearms qualifications at the MLEOTA range. Classes include street gangs of Mississippi, laws and regulations regarding housing and incarceration of state inmates in county jails.
Other topics covered will be sheriff department budgeting, requirements and laws pertaining to Standards and Training along with several other blocks pertinent to county sheriff departments within the State of Mississippi.
Check in dates:
Sunday, December 3, 2023, at 5:00 P.M. Supper will be “on your own,” cafeteria is not open on Sundays.
Sunday, December 10, 2023, at 5:00 P.M. Supper will be “on your own,” cafeteria is not open on Sundays.
Cost: $600.00 - Includes training, lodging, meals, and class materials.
Contact for Course:
Greg Eklund
Phone: (601) 933-2172
Contact for Lodging and Meals:
Ms. Barbara Loyd
Phone (601) 933-2101
Fax (601) 933-2147