What happens during an investigation?

Submitted by lacorietowers on

A death investigation is multidisciplinary in scope.  It may involve not only the county medical examiner investigator and forensic pathologists, but also other agency personnel such as law enforcement, crime scene technicians, criminalists, and prosecutors. Most investigations follow similar protocol: the investigator evaluates the scene upon arrival, documents and evaluates the body, establishes a decedent profile, and completes the investigation. If the body is sent for autopsy, the county medical examiner investigator will arrange for transport and convey the family’s funeral preferences to the State Medical Examiner’s Office. In all Mississippi medicolegal cases, the county medical examiner investigator is responsible for certifying the death and furnishing copies of whatever documentation is requested by the case Forensic Pathologist. Although the length of the investigation will vary, the investigation enters its final stages once the body is removed from the scene. Therefore, it is imperative that the investigator conducts a thorough examination of the body at the scene