What is a forensic odontologist?

Submitted by lacorietowers on

A Forensic odontologist is a dentist who applies his or her knowledge of the dental profession to matters of legal concern. A forensic dentist typically uses his or her background to assist in the identify of unknown individuals, including those involved in mass fatality incidents, but may also be involved in assessment of injury patterns found in human abuse, the analysis of bitemark evidence, and involvement in matters of civil litigation. Odontologists compare antemortem dental radiographs and records to postmortem information from unknown individuals to determine if they are from the same individual. If they are determined to be the same, the odontologist will recommend that a determination of positive identification be made.

Odontologists normally receive their initial training in forensics during their pre-doctoral training in dental school with additional training in postgraduate settings. Odontologists who meet the lengthy educational and experiential requirements are eligible to sit for certification examinations with the American Board of Forensic Odontology. Successful completion of these examinations confers diplomate status.