Standards and Training Forms

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Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training (BLEOST)

Board on Emergency Telecommunications Standards and Training (BETST)

Board on Jail Officer Standards and Training (BJOST)

Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training (BLEOST)

New Hire Full-time // Terminated-Reassigned (All) // New Hire Part-time

(New Hire) BLEOST- Full-time Law Enforcement Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review 
This form must be completed and submitted to Standards and Training within 30 days of hiring any full-time law enforcement officer or upon request by the Board. Please complete Parts I, II, and III of the “Law Enforcement Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review” for each newly hired officer.

(Resignation / Retirement / Termination/ Reassignment) BLEOST - Law Enforcement Termination-Reassignment Form 
This form is used to document the departure date from a law enforcement position for all individuals, regardless of certification status. It includes fields for the termination date, certification status, and the type of termination. For any officer discharged or resigning pending a disciplinary investigation, an explanation of the circumstances must accompany the form.

(New Hire - Part-time) BLEOST- Part-time Law Enforcement Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review 
This form must be completed and submitted to Standards and Training within 30 days of hiring any part-time, reserve, or auxiliary law enforcement officer, or upon request by the Board. Complete Parts I, II, and III of the “Law Enforcement Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review” for each newly hired officer.

Roster Forms 

BLEOST- Full-time Law Enforcement Agency Roster 
This form serves as a roster of all full-time law enforcement officers assigned to an agency and will be sent to agencies at least once a year. It must be completed and returned to the Office of Standards and Training within 30 days. Include the name, Social Security number, position, date of employment, and certification number for each full-time officer as defined in this manual. The form must be signed by the agency head or an authorized designee. If no full-time officers are employed, submit a negative report by writing “none” on the form, signing it, and returning it.

BLEOST- Full-time Municipal Law Enforcement Agency Roster 
This form is a roster of all full-time municipal law enforcement officers assigned to an agency and will be sent to agencies at least once a year. It must be completed and returned to the Office of Standards and Training within 30 days. Include the name, Social Security number, position, date of employment, certification number, and year-to-date training hours for each full-time officer. The form must be signed by the agency head or an authorized designee. If no full-time officers are employed, submit a negative report by writing “none” on the form, signing it, and returning it.

BLEOST- Part-time Law Enforcement Agency Roster 
This form is a roster of all part-time, reserve, or auxiliary law enforcement officers assigned to an agency and will be sent to agencies at least once a year. It must be completed and returned to the Office of Standards and Training within 30 days. Include the name, Social Security number, position, date of employment, and certification number for each part-time, reserve, or auxiliary officer. The form must be signed by the agency head or an authorized designee. If no part-time officers are employed, submit a negative report by writing “none” on the form, signing it, and returning it.

BLEOST- Part-time Municipal Law Enforcement Agency Roster 
This form is a roster of all part-time municipal law enforcement officers assigned to an agency and will be sent to agencies at least once a year. It must be completed and returned to the Office of Standards and Training within 30 days. Include the name, Social Security number, position, date of employment, certification number, and year-to-date training hours for each part-time officer. The form must be signed by the agency head or an authorized designee. If no part-time officers are employed, submit a negative report by writing “none” on the form, signing it, and returning it.

Academy Forms // Course Certification // Instructor Forms 

(New Officer Attending the Academy) BLEOST – Full-Time Law Enforcement Basic Training Packet 
The training packet includes forms and documents that must be submitted through the academy to the Board. These forms provide specific information for certification purposes and help academies perform their mission. It is important that all fields on the form are completed. If a field is not applicable, mark it with N/A (not applicable) or another appropriate note.

(New Officer Attending the Part-time Academy) BLEOST- Part-time Law Enforcement Basic Training Packet
The training packet consists of forms and documents that must be submitted through the academy to the Board. These forms contain specific information used for certification purposes along with information needed by the academies to perform their mission. It is critical that all blocks on this form are completed. Where a block is not applicable, annotate the form with N/A (not applicable) or other appropriate notes.

(Refresher Training) BLEOST- Law Enforcement Refresher Training Packet
The training packet consists of forms and documents that must be submitted through the academy to the Board. These forms contain specific information used for certification purposes along with information needed by the academies to perform their mission. It is critical that all blocks on this form are completed. Where a block is not applicable, annotate the form with N/A (not applicable) or other appropriate notes.

BLEOST- Academy Remedial Exit
This form is to be used by the academies when a trainee does not successfully complete a skill area.

BLEOST- Application for Academy Accreditation 
An institution or facility that trains law enforcement officers or officials covered by the “Law Enforcement Officers Training Program” Act must submit a formal application to the Board for review and approval. Training conducted before the accreditation of the facility will not be Board certified. Institutions applying for Board-approved training must meet all criteria in this section to ensure consistency among approved facilities.

BLEOST- Law Enforcement Course Certification Request
This form is used to request approval from BLEOST to conduct in-service training courses. The Course Certification Request form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BLEOST at least sixty (60) working days prior to the course being conducted.

BLEOST- Law Enforcement Course Evaluation Instrument
This form must be completed by all course attendees and returned to BLEOST. This questionnaire is a primary means used by the Office of Standards and Training to gather information to assist in maintaining high quality courses.

BLEOST- Law Enforcement Course Roster
The Course Roster form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BLEOST within ten working days following completion of the course.

BLEOST- Law Enforcement Instructor Application Packet
Individuals applying for certification to instruct in BLEOST approved courses must apply through the completion of a formal application (BLEOST Instructor Application Packet). Applications must be submitted to the Director of a Board approved training academy. That Director will review the application and forward the endorsed application to the Board for consideration. Note: All persons instructing law enforcement officers in Board-approved training courses of four hours or less must be qualified as determined by the academy director. All persons instructing more than four hours in a Board-approved training course must be certified as an instructor by the Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training.

BLEOST- Law Enforcement Instructor Evaluation Instrument
The BLEOST “Instructor Evaluation” form is to be used when conducting the two (2) hour internship evaluation required for instructor certification. Enclose a copy of this form with the “Instructor Application for Certification” form.


Board on Emergency Telecommunications Standards and Training (BETST)

New Hire // Terminated-Reassigned // Recertification

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Application for Certification and Background
This form is required to be completed and submitted to Standards and Training within 30 days from the date of hire for all emergency telecommunicators or upon the request of the Board. Complete Parts I, II and III of the “Emergency Telecommunicator Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review” form for each newly hired emergency telecommunicator.

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Application for Recertification
Complete this form for each emergency telecommunicator/dispatcher applying for recertification and return it to the Board of Emergency Telecommunications Standards and Training (BETST).

BETST - Emergency Telecommunicator Recertification Report
An emergency telecommunicator must successfully complete at least 48 hours of approved elective training from no fewer than six subject areas over each 3-year certification period. Subjects may not be repeated during the 3-year certification period.

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Termination/Reassignment Report
The form is to be used to document the date of departure from an emergency telecommunicator position for all individuals, regardless of their certification status. The form has spaces for the date of termination and certification status. The form also provides several choices for a description of the type of termination. An explanation of the circumstances surrounding any telecommunicator that is discharged or resigns pending investigation of disciplinary action should accompany this form.

Roster Forms 

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Agency Roster
This form is to be completed by the employing agency/department and returned to Office of Standards and Training within 30 days of receipt. Make as many copies of this form as needed. You may use your own computer-generated form(s) only if it contains all the information that is requested on this form.

Course Certification // Instructor Forms // Course Evaluations 

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Course Certification Request
This form is to be completed and submitted by the coordinator to BETST prior to the course being conducted. This form is used to request approval from BETST to conduct training courses. The Course Certification Request form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BETST 30 days prior to the course being conducted.

BETST - Student Course Evaluation Instrument
This form must be completed by all course attendees and returned to BETST. This questionnaire is a primary means used by the Office of Standards and Training to gather information to assist in maintaining high quality courses.

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Course Roster
The Course Roster form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BETST within five working days following completion of the course.

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Instructor Application for Certification
Individuals applying for certification to instruct in BETST approved courses must apply through the completion of a formal application (Emergency Telecommunicator Instructor Application for Certification).


BETST - Emergency Telecommunicator Reimbursement Worksheet
The information requested within this form is required before reimbursement can be processed for any and all courses attended. You must provide proof of successful completion (e.g., course certificate).

BETST- Emergency Telecommunicator Termination/Reassignment Report
The form is to be used to document the date of departure from an emergency telecommunicator position for all individuals, regardless of their certification status. The form has spaces for the date of termination and certification status. The form also provides several choices for a description of the type of termination. An explanation of the circumstances surrounding any telecommunicator that is discharged or resigns pending investigation of disciplinary action should accompany this form.


Board on Jail Officer Standards and Training (BJOST)

New Hire // Terminated-Reassigned

BJOST- Detention Officer Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review
This form is required to be completed and submitted to Standards and Training within 30 days from the date of hire for all detention officers or upon the request of the Board. Complete Parts I, II and III of the “Detention Officer Application for Certification and Background Investigation Review” form for each newly hired detention officer.

BJOST- Detention Officer Termination/Reassignment Report
The form is to be used to document the date of departure from a detention officer position for all individuals, regardless of their certification status. The form has spaces for the date of termination and certification status. The form also provides several choices for a description of the type of termination. An explanation of the circumstances surrounding any detention officer that is discharged or resigns pending investigation of disciplinary action should accompany this form.


BJOST- Detention Officer Agency Roster
This form is to be completed by the employing agency/department and returned to Office of Standards and Training within 30 days of receipt. Make as many copies of this form as needed. You may use your own computer generated form(s) only if it contains all the information that is requested on this form.

BJOST- Application for Academy Accreditation
An institution or facility operated for the purpose of training jail/detention officers or any officials covered by the “Jail Officers Training Program” Act shall submit a formal application to the Board for review and approval. Training requiring Board-approval conducted prior to accreditation of the training facility shall not be Board certified. An institution making application for Board-approved training shall meet all the criteria stated in this section to insure continuity among approved facilities.

Academy Forms // Course Certification // Instructor Forms 

BJOST- Detention Officer Course Certification Request
This form is to be completed and submitted to BJOST prior to the course being conducted. This form is used to request approval from BJOST to conduct in-service training courses. The Course Certification Request form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BJOST at least two-weeks prior to the course being conducted.

BJOST- Detention Officer Course Evaluation Instrument
This form must be completed by all course attendees and returned to BJOST. This questionnaire is a primary means used by the Office of Standards and Training to gather information to assist in maintaining high quality courses.

BJOST- Detention Officer Course Roster
The Course Roster form is to be completed and submitted by the course coordinator to BJOST within ten working days following completion of the course.

BJOST- Detention Officer Instructor Application for Certification
Individuals applying for certification to instruct in BJOST approved courses must apply through the completion of a formal application (Detention Officer Instructor Application for Certification).

BJOST- Detention Officer Instructor Evaluation Instrument
The MS POST “Instructor Evaluation” form is to be used when conducting the two (2) hour internship evaluation required for instructor certification. Enclose a copy of this form with the “Instructor Application for Certification” form.


BJOST- Detention Officer Reimbursement Worksheet
The information requested within this form is required before reimbursement can be processed for any and all courses attended. You must provide proof of successful completion (e.g., course certificate).

BJOST- Detention Officer Termination/Reassignment Report
The form is to be used to document the date of departure from a detention officer position for all individuals, regardless of their certification status. The form has spaces for the date of termination and certification status. The form also provides several choices for a description of the type of termination. An explanation of the circumstances surrounding any detention officer that is discharged or resigns pending investigation of disciplinary action should accompany this form.