Annual State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Strategic Plan

The State Traffic Records Strategic Plan (STRSP) is developed and undergoes revisions based on traffic records assessments. The STRSP is revised annually to keep track of improvements and notate problems that could adversely affect the continuity of safety information systems. This plan is part of a larger process, which includes the State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), in an effort to prepare the highway safety community in Mississippi to address changes in the highway safety environment. The plan integrates current highway safety functions and future program plans through state and local highway safety partners.

The recommendations from the STRSP can be enacted within the next three to five years. The STRSP contains goals, performance measures and the list of priority projects to be funded with NHTSA Section 405(c) funds.  The STRSP acts as a guiding document for the State Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee (STRCC), which is composed of highway professionals involved in the collection, analysis and usage of data related to highway safety.