STRCC Membership:
The STRCC consists of the Executive Board and Technical Committee. The membership of the STRCC Executive Committee includes key representatives from agencies either responsible for managing at least one of the six core information systems (Crash, Vehicle, Driver Citation/Adjudication, Roadway, EMS/ Injury Surveillance) with a higher level of management and decision making, such as directors, project evaluators, data analysts, planners and infrastructure specialists.
The membership of the STRCC Technical Committee includes representatives from agencies either responsible for managing at least one of the six core information systems (Crash, Vehicle, Driver Citation/Adjudication, Roadway, EMS/ Injury Surveillance) or with a vital interest in one or more of those systems. These representatives come from highway safety, highway infrastructure, law enforcement and adjudication, public health, injury control and motor carrier agencies and organizations. These agencies and organizations include the Department of Public Safety - Mississippi Highway Patrol; Motor Carrier Division, Crash Reconstruction, Driver Services, Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), Management Information Services, Mississippi Crime Lab, Mississippi Office of Highway Safety; Department of Transportation; Department of Health; Emergency Medical Services; Department of Revenue; Department of Information Technology Services; Judiciary as well as Mississippi Sheriffs Association designee and Mississippi Chiefs of Police designee; FHWA; FMCSA.
The members of the Technical Committee are appointed by the heads of their respective agencies and shall meet at least three times annually. The Technical Committee can vote to extend membership on the Technical Committee to other Mississippi entities, public or private, that are part of the traffic safety information system. Representatives from all Mississippi entities which are part of the traffic safety information system can participate on the STRCC, but only Executive Board members can vote on STRCC business. Technical Committee members who are unable to attend a meeting may provide their written proxy for voting purposes.