The STRCC operates under the direction of the Mississippi Governor’s Representative (GR) of Highway Safety for Mississippi Office of Highway Safety (MOHS) through the State Traffic Records Coordinator who serves, as the Chairman of the Board. The STRCC has the authority to review any of the State’s highway safety data and traffic records systems and any changes to such systems before the changes are implemented. The STRCC coordinates the views of organizations in the State that are involved in the collection, administration, and use of highway safety data and traffic records systems and represent those views to outside organizations.
Mission Statement of the STRCC:
The mission of the STRCC is to provide strong coordinated State and Local leadership to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic safety data collection and analysis and the resources needed to support it. The STRCC will support data improvements at all levels of government that minimize duplication, improve uniformity, advance electronic data collection, integrate data and facilitate data access and use.
STRCC Coordination:
The STRCC considers and coordinates the views of the organizations in the State that are involved in the following areas: data collection, administration, and use of highway safety data and traffic records systems. The STRCC represents the views of the committee to outside organizations. The STRCC is managed and coordinated by the Traffic Records (TR) Coordinator. The TR Coordinator provides program management in the TR program to coordinate statewide and local efforts in TR operations, national and local projects and assists in the development of strategies and programs to help in the data collection to provide quality data for analysis and problem identification.
STRCC Membership:
The STRCC consists of the Executive Board and Technical Committee. The membership of the STRCC Executive Committee includes key representatives from agencies either responsible for managing at least one of the six core information systems (Crash, Vehicle, Driver Citation/Adjudication, Roadway, EMS/ Injury Surveillance) with a higher level of management and decision making, such as directors, project evaluators, data analysts, planners and infrastructure specialists.
The membership of the STRCC Technical Committee includes representatives from agencies either responsible for managing at least one of the six core information systems (Crash, Vehicle, Driver Citation/Adjudication, Roadway, EMS/ Injury Surveillance) or with a vital interest in one or more of those systems. These representatives come from highway safety, highway infrastructure, law enforcement and adjudication, public health, injury control and motor carrier agencies and organizations. These agencies and organizations include the Department of Public Safety - Mississippi Highway Patrol; Motor Carrier Division, Crash Reconstruction, Driver Services, Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), Management Information Services, Mississippi Crime Lab, Mississippi Office of Highway Safety; Department of Transportation; Mississippi Department of Health; Emergency Medical Services; Mississippi Department of Revenue; Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services; Judiciary as well as Mississippi Sheriffs Association designee and Mississippi Chiefs of Police designee; FHWA; FMCSA.
The MOHS has designated Catiffany Williams, as the STRCC Coordinator for TR program.