
The media planning process involves in-depth, up-front analyses. Major emphasis is placed upon finding unique placement opportunities and providing cost-effective solutions. Media alternatives are analyzed based upon the particular medium’s composition, coverage and efficiency in reaching the potential audience. The MOHS also determines the frequency that the message should be seen/heard by the target audience.

The MOHS coordinates media programs around the National Traffic Safety Administration National blitz campaigns and the annual communication calendar. The MOHS diversifies the media mix to maximize audience’s exposure to the message by using media in:

  • Broadcast Placement (Radio, Television and Cable)
  • Online Media (Social Network)
  • Outdoor (Billboards and Digital Billboards)
  • Print (Newspaper)
  • Movie Theatres

The MOHS wants to generate the message as frequently as possible in order to affect the behavioral change.


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Traffic Safety Marketing:

Traffic Safety Marketing (TSM) is source of free communication resources and materials for highway safety programs. TSM is funded by NHTSA and provides updated and new materials on a regular basis. Materials are grouped together by program activity such as seatbelts, motorcycle, etc. Each program area has downloadable materials that can be printed out to use as brochures, handouts and press releases.

Materials can also include items that can be downloaded and used in social media such as web videos, sound clips and social media banners and posts.